Thursday, December 10, 2015

Aimless Living

I am beginning to write a new post but there is a grave issue at hand. I have no topic. What should I write about? I began this blog in the hopes of improving my writing and to see if I could discipline myself enough to become a proficient writer, though without a topic, my blog is not much use. For lack of anything better to say I will just write about my day.

Today was probably the most unproductive day that I have had in a long time. I did absolutely nothing of value. This sluggish body of mine decided to wake up around 9:30 am. The sun was already high in the sky and my room was beginning to heat up. Like most people, my first act upon waking up was to use the commode. As always it was a pleasant experience. I was comfortable again and all I could think of doing was to lay back down in bed, open up my laptop, and watch a few episodes of Cheers via Netflix. Oh how I both love and hate that glorious time wasting tool!

After a couple laughs and several hours I eventually stumbled out of my room in search of food. So what did I have for my first meal of the day? What nutritious substance did I decide to consume in order to refuel my body after such a laborious morning? The most heavenly breakfast known to man. WAFFLES! They were warm. They were toasty. They were covered in butter and syrup. Breakfast of champions! Yeah right, champions of laziness. Whats this? I new email. Who could it be from? My new employer had sent me forms to sign regarding my on-site housing. Exciting!

Forms were signed and faxed. What now? Vacuum the house. Check. Now what?  Wash your face, throw on your overalls, and enter back into the vortex known as Netflix. Eventually I find my way back to the world of the living and decide that it is time to get out of the house. To be honest, I just wanted to drive my new car around. She is a lovely car. A grand little thing with both power and beauty. The two of us end up at a little coffee shop. So here I am drinking iced Scottish Breakfast tea and writing nothingness to whoever happens to read this. Bless your heart.

This day has plagued me. Aimless living is sometimes a hard habit to break.  

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