Friday, January 1, 2016

To Read

A new year is upon us and I have never been more excited. One of the many things that I plan on doing this year is completing a reading challenge. 13 books in one year, 1 every 4 weeks. I know I know. That is not a lot of books and it is a shame that I have to start so low.  BUT for someone who loves to read though has a tendency to never finish books this is a challenge for me. I have finally accepted that I need the structure and the accountability. Where is the accountability coming from you ask. Well, my friends/coworkers have decided to take on the challenge as well. We have each already chosen our books, talked about our books, and even purchased some books. Seeing as that we encounter each other pretty much everyday, we will be able to hold each accountable. I will complete this challenge. I know I will. 

On the off chance that you are interested at all in what I will be reading and in case you are still reading this post, here is a list of the books I will absorb this year. 

A book about Christian living: 7 Women by E. Metaxas 
A biography: Tolkein by Humphrey Carpenter 
A classic novel: The Sun Also Rises by E. Hemingway
A book someone tells you "changed my life": ???
A commentary on a book of the bible:  Esther (TOTC) by D. Reed
A book about Theology: The Case for Christ by L. Strobel
A book with the word 'gospel' in the title: The Friday Gospel by J. Ashworth 
A book your pastor recommends: ???
A book more than 100 years old: Three Men in A Boat by J. Jerome 
A book for children: Are you there God? It's me Margaret by J. Bloom
A mystery or detective novel: In the Woods by T. French 
A book published in 2016: ???
A book about current issues: I am Malala by Malala 

10 of the 13 books have already been picked out. The other 3 will be decided as I go along. Along with the reading challenge I want to also write about what I read. I imagine that my posts on the blog will be like a sort of book review. I do this simply to keep me on track and to practice writing. Putting my thoughts in cohesively fluent sentences has never been a strength of mine. I aim to remedy that. 

With that being said, I shall call it a night and let you get on with yours. 

Be well.